I have always considered myself three things: a dreamer, and eternal optimist, and kind of a big dork. I grew up seeing the world around me as a magical place, and I was always lost in my imagination. I'm an artist by nature, an actress and singer, but I also have a huge passion for wanting to spread positivity out into the universe. So join me in my whimsical world, where I will be a motivational guide to anyone who feels alone or discouraged. I'm here to spread the sunshine!

Monday, February 22, 2021


 Believe in your weirdness. Because your weird is unique to you. What will make you stand out is doing something different, doing something that you feel is what your heart wants. Hiding your weird, and trying to go down the path of what seems accepted, is hiding your true unique sunshine and inner light. BELIEVE IN YOUR WEIRD. Show the world your weird. Because letting the star that you are shine truly is better than dulling that shine from fear. 

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