I have always considered myself three things: a dreamer, and eternal optimist, and kind of a big dork. I grew up seeing the world around me as a magical place, and I was always lost in my imagination. I'm an artist by nature, an actress and singer, but I also have a huge passion for wanting to spread positivity out into the universe. So join me in my whimsical world, where I will be a motivational guide to anyone who feels alone or discouraged. I'm here to spread the sunshine!

Friday, July 5, 2019

July 5th, SMILE BECAUSE....

"We all have periods in our lives where we are "low", or in a really down or dark place. Every single one of us. The beauty in that darkness is that once we realize that we ARE in a dark place, we can notice how, little by little that we got there. Then we can start the changes to make it back to our place in the light. If we stay aware and keep notice, we can become our own hero and save ourselves from the darkness. Don't give up, having the insight in general is the first step and the key."

-Kelly True Thoughts 

July 5 2019

Smile because....


-Summer exists 

-So does Fall, Spring and Winter.

-We have four seasons that are totally different. That's pretty incredible. 

-You can plan a vacation, and enjoy getting away for awhile.

-Oh, you're rolling your eyes at me because "Kelly I don't have TIME for a vacation"....

-Have you ever heard of a weekend get away?

-Yes, it counts! 

-IT DOES! Why are you looking at me like that? 

-A mini get away is better than NO get away. Right....?

- Plus if you get into the idea of taking mini weekend get aways, you can take a few through out the summer. 

-SO FOUR OR FIVE adventures as opposed to one! 

-Did I win you over? ;) 

-Regardless....it's summer, and summertime goes by VERY quickly, so let's all make the most of it! 

-Run in the grass like a little kid. I'm like closer to 30 than 20 and I still do that.

-I'm not at all embarrassed that's why I told you, Duh. 

-Also, you're still alive and breathing. That's AMAZING. Give yourself a hug right now or a pat on the back if you're way too cool for that mushy stuff. 

-It's the beginning of July, so it's almost mid summer. Has anything happened yet this summer that made you really excited, stronger, inspired or just plain happy? Think about it. 

-Think about it and tell me! Or just meditate on it for a few minutes....

-I hope it's an awesome memory that stays with you forever. :) Honestly. And doesn't it feel awesome to just simply remember it?

-Try going back into your happy memories whenever you feel down. 

-Speaking of, what's something you're looking forward to this summer?

-Always take the time to cherish what's to come!

-This time of the year can sometimes make us lazy....which is GREAT! In moderation though.

-Try making a list of summer goals!

-There you are rolling your eyes again. Not THOSE summer goals. Come on now. I'm not here to force Pilates and a Vegan diet on you.

- (No offense to anyone who is into either of those things. What's important is to discover what you love and practice it, no matter WHAT that is. I support ALL passions) :) 

-But try finding or even buying a new journal. One that makes sense for you. Or if electronics are more your speed, hey, I get that. Make a new folder on your desk top and create a list. 

-Make a short list of easy summer goals, that you know you can achieve, and make you feel inspired.

-You don't have to complete them all, but if you complete even one, CELEBRATE! Because that's AWESOME! 

-Also, you're awesome.

-If you've been stressed out for some reason, remember...stress is TEMPORARY.

-If you feel like it isn't, all that you have to do is evaluate the situation at hand. 

-YOU CAN ALWAYS find a way to change your stressful situation. Even if it takes only simple baby steps. Most of the time that's the case.

-But babies are cute, and un-intimidating! So it isn't scary! 

-Again, did I win you over? ;) 

-Okay, okay, anyway...just know. That you can always be your own hope.

-If you don't believe that, well, I believe in you. 

-Also, to wrap things up....it's summer. TREAT YOURSELF! 

-Have some ice cream. Take a trip. Have some lazy on purpose nights.

-Work hard, but play too! 

You deserve it! 


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