Reflect on Your Weekend
Many times, when the weekend is over, we tend to get a bit melancholy and sad. We are sad that our time to relax, maybe have some fun, try new things and be with others who are dear to us is over, and that the work week is beginning once more. But this does NOT have to be the case! What if we looked at our weekends as something to be grateful for? How different would we feel? Probably COMPLETELY different! Take a few minutes and reflect on your weekend. What did you do? Who did you surround yourself with? Did you make a fun, new memory that makes you break out into a goofy smile? Maybe you had a good time catching up with an old friend, or you had a date night with a lover. Maybe you went out to a cool new spot! Or maybe you just stayed home and snuggled with your pets. (I know I did with my puppy). Remember your weekend FONDLY, and smile at the memories. They were great experiences that helped harness your light energy, and remind yourself that there WILL be more of them! Many more.
Light Energy Tip: Taking pictures to remember the good times always helps bring up those good feelings. Snap away!
Set a Personal Mantra for the Week
Come up with a mantra that means something important to you! This doesn't have to really specifically be a mantra per say, it can even be a goal that you would like to meet by the end of the week. Come up with one thing you want to accomplish OR remind yourself to be mindful of. This can help you start your week with a sense of purpose, a drive to do good things that enhance your light energy, and also just help you feel confident in your abilities! I suggest repeating this goal or mantra to yourself each morning before you start your day, and I suggest doing it near a natural light source, such as a window. There is nothing better than the natural rays of the sun to set a personal intention. So come up with your own each week, and reinforce it every day.
Light Energy Tip: Good ideas for mantras are as followed, (Just in my personal experience), : "Today, I will live my life in a light minded headspace." "Today, I am worthy of this soul and this body." "Today, I am happy to be alive." "Today, I will fight for positivity."
Do One Little "Hard Work" Task Towards your Goal
So there are two parts to this tip. The first part is, with your weekly goal in mind, do ONE small task a day towards making that happen. This task will be one that is progressive in nature, towards making your vision or goal become a reality. For instance, if your goal is to get in better shape, work out once a day. If your goal is to plan for future endeavors or things you want to invest in for your future, do research for an hour a day. If you want to find a new job, or discover a new hobby or calling, do some reading once a day, and brainstorming. But don't OVER DO it. The main key to this tip, is telling yourself that you are allowing a certain time period of your day to be dedicated towards this one main goal. It can't all be accomplished at once, but a little a day goes a long way, and is also WAY healthier for our emotional and mental energy, and keeping that light state of mind in tact.
Light Energy Tip: Writing down in a journal or planner what you plan to focus on in terms of how to achieve your goal can help you feel more organized and also visualize it as becoming more of a reality in the future. For example: "I plan to research this topic I'm interested in every day for an hour, and take notes on what I find!" Writing this down will help to further motivate you to stick to the idea!
Do One Little "Light Energy/Love" Activity
To counteract the previous tip, this next tip is the opposite but EQUALLY important. Just as you should schedule your daily attribute towards achieving your weekly goal, you should also schedule a relaxing "light activity" that is MANDATORY to your daily routine. This is an activity that makes you feel good. It makes you feel relaxed, happy to be yourself as a person, and is unique to you. Also this activity should be healthy in nature, so I'm not talking "partying" to take the edge off. This is an activity that isn't harmful or mind altering to your mind or body, that doesn't make you anxious and more so makes you feel at ease, and is something that is special to you PERSONALLY. You can have as many of these activities as you'd like! That's the best part. Some of mine to give examples, are blogging, making videos, playing video games, watching cartoons and shows I like, doing yoga, meditating, writing, playing with my pets, cooking, taking a bubble bath...I have quite the list. But allow yourself to enjoy a light activity of your choosing every night, after you finish your "working" activity towards your weekly goal. It's just as important, you DESERVE it, and it's the main asset to keep resetting your light minded mindset to get through the week without losing it!
Light Energy Tip: If you have trouble with decided on light activities, simply take out a pen and piece of paper and write down anything in your life that has consistently made you feel comforted or smile. This list can help tap into the part of yourself that will help you to discover what your light activities are!
Remind Yourself To Fight the "Beginning of the Week Demons" (Yes, I made that up)
Don't lie, it's SO COMMON to start the week off, expecting the worst. But really when it comes down to it, why do we have to get anxious and negative when preparing for the week? Yes, in this world we live in, we all have to work. We work hard, we study, and sometimes we get overwhelmed. But by telling yourself inside, "Oh, man, it's another Monday, here we go again", you are already starting off your week with a pessimistic mindset! Anything can happen at any time, and I've found that when I wake up and tell myself "Today, anything can happen, and I'm happy for today", I feel a lot more open minded and just...different...than when when I wake up with a mindset dreading my week. Remind yourselves, lovely humans, that the beginning of a new week isn't THAT bad. Nothing is that bad. It's only as bad, stressful, and overwhelming as we give it to be! So let's try to start our week off, reminding ourselves that, "Nothing is that bad". Because it isn't. and just taking a few moments to do so really makes a difference. It's all about headspace, mindset, and what we allow ourselves to run with. So run with an open mind, and an open heart. Don't run with predetermined expectations, run without knowing, and being AT PEACE with that. Happy start of a new week everyone! I hope some of these tips can help some of you harness that light energy this week, when you need it the most!
Light Energy Tip: OKAY, So, I don't know EVERYTHING about salt lamps, but I did invest in one and I find it to be quite calming. When you need to center yourself, I really do suggest finding a light source (this time an indoor one), that makes you feel safe and inspired, and using it to reflect on things. Sometimes I use candles, and sometimes I use my salt lamp. But when you find one, you'll know when it's the right one for you, and I highly suggest looking into it! Let your imagination run wild!
Stay lovely, Lovely Humans,